Join us January 28th at noon to compete in a Magic the Gathering Standard Format Regional Championship Qualifier. This event will have a $30 buy in. Registration will close at 12:01pm. Once our judge...
Keep up to date with our Weekly Schedule of recurring events. Sunday at 2:00pm – Yu-Gi-Oh constructed tournament, $5 entry Monday at 6:00pm – Magic the Gathering – constructed Modern format, $5 entry. Every...
Some details on our upcoming RCQ. The Regional Championship Qualifier held at Docking Bay 93 on Sunday the 28th of August will have a registration deadline of 12pm that same day. Player meeting to...
The new set of Magic the Gathering. Ikoria, Lair of the Behemoth seems like an overgrown 10 pound baby that refuses to be born into the world. Covid-19 is having none of its kicking...
I’ve decided to challenge myself to April Reading Challenge. What does that redundant statement mean? Well it means that I’ve scheduled actual distraction time for myself. Should be painting the massive backlog war-gaming miniatures...
It has been a very long time sense I’ve checked in here and offered much in the way of updates. So I’ll try to keep this as short as possible detailed as possible about...
When I got back into comics (if you’ve spent any time around me you’ve heard this story) it was on a lazy Sunday evening after getting off work at the local movie theater that...
MTG Single cards, whether selling, buying or trading has for many years been a fairly brisk business for us at Docking Bay 93. Once we get a popular card in its sometimes only minutes...
What is Not Going to ECCC Pity Party 50% Sale? Can’t make it to Emerald City Comic Con this weekend and missing out on some great deals, that’s okay, we have them right here...
This last Sunday I was able to take in the film Alita: Battle Angel at the local AMC. I am not, at all, an expert on the Manga or any other adaptations of this...
Recently we’ve stuck to our usual schedule of events. I don’t add variations in our schedule very often and its been showing. Mostly I’ve done this so that players and families can plan on...