Magic the Gathering Standard Showdown

Beginning a week ago and carrying on through June 16th we will be hosting Standard format MTG tournaments every Saturday at 2 o’clock. These events will culminate with our Store Championship on the 23rd of June. All events will have an optional $5 buy in.

Standard Showdown is for those players that are looking for a more challenging form of play. This tournament is geared toward game play that encourages well tempered Standard Format deck, buy ins are encouraged thou not required, the more players who buy in, the bigger the prize pool. However if you just want to get your toe wet we have Challenger Decks available for $29.99 and buy ins are always optional.

Participation prizes include Standard Showdown booster packs, which each player will get regardless of standings, with additional Standard Showdown booster packs being paid out to the top players, we will supplement other Standard Showdown boosters we have from past events to make sure our attendees are well rewarded from joining us at Docking Bay 93.

In addition to this we will do a normal prize payout of booster packs to the top players (who bought in) as well as a store credit prize worth $25 to be paid out to first place IF they bought in AND if we get at least eight participants.

Join us every Saturday through the 23rd of June for Standard Format competitive play. Great time, great prizes.


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